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Presanella Round Trip

2 days
from 220 euros
→ May-Nov
Difficulty ●●○○


Cima Presanella 3558m, the highest mountain in Trentino, experienced and perceived from a different perspective. Not just the joy of the summit, but the desire to amplify and prolong every single emotion. Staying overnight in the beautiful Orobica Bivacco, a small and welcoming granite structure, located a few meters below the summit. The suggestion of being on the highest point of Trentino for an entire night and the opportunity to experience and share a surreal atmosphere. Uncontaminated nature, immense sky, millions of stars, a natural light unknown or forgotten to our senses. Contagious emotions.

Program: G1 – Meeting in Pinzolo and transfer to Val Nambrone to Malga Vallina 2000m. Ascent to the Orobica Bivacco 3382m, through the Bocchetta di Monte Nero. G2 – Cima Presanella 3558m and return to the valley with a circular route via Vedretta di Nardis and Passo dei Quattro Cantoni 2809m. NB: the program may vary based on weather conditions, level of physical fitness and ability of the participants, unpredictable events upstream and/or the guide's advice.

The fee includes: UIAGM mountain guide service, professional insurance, technical material, souvenir photos. Not included: bivouac management with dinner and breakfast (1/50€, 2+/25€pp), transfers.

Contact us for any info, request or personalized program.

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